Canadian winters are long, dark, cold affairs that I for one could easily do without. Making matters worse my business is seasonal beginning when the snow finally clears, usually in early April and end just as the snow starts to fly in late November.
By nature I am a tropical person who is repulsed by the cold. I don’t find joy in ice skating, I am a disaster on skis and snowmobiling is just another form of torture since the wind and snow hit you with an even greater intensity than I care to endure. This gives me plenty of time on my hands to tinker with the summer toys, draw up plans for a garage renovation that I have promised myself to at least start this spring and prepare my business for the up coming year.
This enjoyable video directed by Andrew David Watson is a wonderful pick-me-up for all of us who are trapped in the icy cruel grip of winter waiting for warmth of spring. Makes me want to get out into the garage, once it’s insulated and heated that is…
WAITING OUT WINTER by Andrew David Watson on Vimeo.