Here is the place where I offer up my car care experiences and tips for educational purposes and entertainment. One day I hope that it will contain lots of helpful information and suggestions that I have used over the years to keep my vehicles looking and running great. This area is for educational purposes and I take no liability for you or your vehicles. This is just what I have done and the processes I have used.
A couple weekends ago I was in my garage doing a fall clean up preparing for the inevitable snow that winter brings us in Canada. Every spring and fall it seems as if the items in my garage slowly migrate away from where they are usually stored and end up on my work bench or on top of winter or summer tires I have stored.Read more...
There is plenty of confusion about the differences between a polish and a wax. Often the two are used interchangeably and that is incorrect. This confusion is most likely due to the fact that there are plenty of store bought products that both polish and protect the vehicles finish at the same time.Read more...
A weekly wash of your vehicles exterior is as important as changing the oil in your engine on a timely basis. Everyone likes a clean car but many people don’t take the time since they think that it is not all that important. Washing your vehicle is important because it will prolong on onset of corrosion...Read more...